1. I am the parent/guardian of the above-mentioned student.
2. I understand the purpose for which the personal data provided by means of this form will be used and my rights for data access/correction.
3. To the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained in this form is true and correct. If false information is supplied, this application will be rendered null and void.
4. I submit photocopies of all relevant documents (e.g. school report and any other report or referral from outside professional) with this Enrollment Form.
1. 本人為上述申請人的家長/監護人;
2. 本人明白此表格提供的個人資料的用途,和有關查閱及改正資料的權利;
3. 此表格內的資料全屬正確無訛,倘若有虛報資料,則本申請作廢;
4. 本人現隨申請表提交各有關證明文件之副本以供參考