In general, the gifts will have a value of no more than $40.00.
Check the list to make sure that the items your child has requested are not items you already intend to buy, and please make any necessary changes to their wish list before submitting. We do not know until very late what your child will receive, and we do not want to duplicate your efforts.
Check your child's wish list before submitting to make sure gifts are age appropriate.
It is much easier for CRYP supporters and staff to select a gift if six items are listed, although no more than four packages will be given per child.
If you do not have an answer for a required field, please enter N/A.
Each family's box of gifts will be available for pick-up at CRYP. We will be contacting you to schedule a day/time.
Is it important we have pictures to share with our donors, so please plan on bringing your child(ren) with you when you pick up your gifts. Note: This is subject to change based on operating and/or weather conditions in December.
If possible, please write a "thank you" letter that we can share with our donors and supporters. When you come to pick up your gifts, please bring this letter with you.
Philámayeye! Thank You.