Tax Return Preparation
* * (Print tax payer and/or spouse name)
We are pleased to be able to serve you in preparing your 2024 federal income tax return. This letter is to specify and confirm the terms of our engagement with you and to ensure a complete understanding between us, we are setting forth the pertinent information about the services that we propose to provide for you.
Elite Professional Services will prepare your federal income tax return from information you will furnish us. We will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit, although it may be necessary to ask you for clarification of the information provided through our required due diligence. We may/may not furnish you an organizer to guide you in gathering the necessary information. However, your voluntary use of an organizer will assist in keeping pertinent information from being overlooked.
It is your responsibility to provide all the information required for the preparation of complete, comprehensive and accurate tax returns. You should retain all the documents, cancelled checks, and other data that form the basis of income and deductions. These may be necessary to support the accuracy of the tax returns to a taxing authority. Current tax laws state that you have the final responsibility for the income tax returns. You therefore should review them carefully before signing them.
Any estimate we give is based upon information you initially provide to us. Actual fees may vary as circumstances change and/or new corrected information is made available. All fees and costs incurred to prepare your income tax returns are due and payable before the returns are released from our office.
You will receive a full paper or pdf of your return. Any additional copies will incur a service charge of $20.00. We reserve the right to hold the completed returns until your account is paid in full. An E-file authorization signature and payment in full is required before any tax return can be electronically filed or released.
If an extension of time to file your tax return(s) is required, any tax that may be due with the tax return(s) must be paid with the extension. Any amounts not paid by the filing deadline are subject to interest and late payment penalties. All costs in this regard are your responsibility but we will assist in verifying the accuracy. This includes any additional fees for the extension as well as any penalties
and/or interest that may be due because of the late payment. Moreover, you agree to defend and indemnify Elite Professional Services, against any and all claims arising out of or related to any such circumstances.
Your tax returns may be selected for review by the taxing authorities. Any proposed adjustments resulting from that review are subject to certain rights of appeal. In the event of such government review or tax examination, we will be available upon request to represent you if audit protection is purchased. If audit protection is not purchased, we may issue additional invoices for the time and expenses incurred.
In accordance with Elite Professional Services , current record retention policy, we will retain our work papers and copies of your financial reports and other source records for the engagement for seven years. We will provide you copies of all reports prepared that should be a part of your books and records. If you should need replacements, we will provide additional copies which might incur additional costs to you. After seven years, our records pertaining to this engagement will no longer be available. Physical deterioration or catastrophic events may shorten the term during which our records will be available.
This is being furnished to you as required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act of 1999, which addresses in part the protection of individuals' privacy. This is the annual notice required by law.
Elite Professional Services, treats any information concerning our clients and former clients with strict confidentiality. Consistent with that policy, we restrict access to non-public personal information concerning you to staff members who must have it in order to provide you the products and services for which you have retained us. We do not disclose any personal or confidential information to anyone else without your express permission to do so, except as permitted or required by law. In addition, we maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your non-public personal information. We may disclose any of your non-public personal information that we collect about our customers, former customers to our affiliates or non-affiliated third parties.
Having read and fully understood the engagement letter, I/we agree to engage Elite Professional Services in accordance with the terms indicated. I/we understand the returns are to be prepared from information I/we provide and that the final responsibility for a complete and accurate return/services rests with me/us. It is also my/our responsibility to review and understand the information on the returns prior to signing and filing them.
Taxpayer and Spouse also agrees to the record retention and privacy policies set forth in this letter.