A friend is just getting started. What are the few things that provide the highest value and I hope they remember? In recent years, I've found the list is getting shorter but my confidence is increasing.
I've learned some stuff. Mostly the hard way. Mistakes, misteps, and failures. I've had some wins too. I've boiled down the highlights I learned along the way.
- A blog post seemed too impersonal and trivial.
- There isn't enough for a "weekly newsletter".
- A Linkedin Post is too temporal.
These are 10 artifacts that summarize my most important lessons. Signup and I'll send them in a series of emails.
You're not signing up for an email list. I've created a focused email drip. One learning per day, right to your inbox. It'll be from my personal email and you're invited to respond and engage.
PS. I have no formula or secret recipe. I'm just sharing my experience and the patterns I've seen. If one of my learnings or observations will save someone an ounce of the struggle, it's worth it.