STUDENT to complete using your full name. Submit one cover sheet with each complete Assessment Task. Cover Sheets will only be accepted with an attachment. The attachment should be the completed corresponding Assessment Task. Re-Submissions will only be accepted with resubmission cover sheet.
This online assessment resubmission cover sheet should be used for each individual assessment task you are re-submitting. Please ensure that you use your full name.
If you are re-submitting work for more than one assessment task, you are required to complete the form for each of the tasks you are resubmitting.
You are required to use the ‘File Upload’ section of the form to upload the corresponding re-submitted assessment task. Prior to hitting ‘Submit’, please ensure the uploaded re-submitted assessment task matches the ‘Assessment Task #’ selected in the drop down box.
You cannot use this form to upload MULTIPLE completed tasks. Online re-submission of one task requires one completed assessment cover sheet form.