The document that you are uploading MUST be titled as follows:
EPC 20XX, Level X , Nth grade, LNAME FINITIAL, SchoolName, Type of submission (essay, information campaign submissions)
(Where xx- 24; Nth - your grade; LNAME- last name; FINITIAL- first Initial; SchoolName- 3 letters abbrereviated names)
Document Name Example: EPC2024, Level 5, 10th, MC, AHS, Essay
DONOT Enter your personal information such as your name and school name in the documents that you are submitting.
A few of the abbreviated institution names are listed below:
Al Huda School (AHS); Al Rahmah School (ARS); Tarbiya Academy (TA); Al Fatih Academy (AFA); King Abdullah Academy (KAA); Washington International Academy (WIA); M&S Learning Center (MMLC); ISB, DCA (Diyanet Center of America); PGMA, ADAMS, DAT (Dar ul Taqwa), ICCL, ISWA, MCC, ICM, ICG, etc.