I attest that all statements made on this form and on any attached documentation are complete, accurate, and current. I understand that any material misstatements in, or omissions from, this statement constitute cause for denial of application, or faculty suspension/dismissal from Pacific Northwet University of Health Scienes.
I have read and agree to abide by the PNWU Ethical Conduct Policy which includes adherence to the ethical code of my profession: https://code-medical-ethics.ama-assn.org/principles
I understand and consent to a Federation of State Medical Board FSMB review being conducted by PNWU to process this application.
Serving as a PNWU-COM preceptor does not constitute an employment contract or offer of employment express or implied. PNWU may use preceptors' names for accreditation purposes.
I affirm that I am duly licensed to practice medicine and have current medical malpractice insurance. I will notify PNWU-COM immediately of any changes to my practice status.
I understand and agree to keep student and other PNWU related information confidential and disclose such information only to authorized PNWU personnel