Submit Songs of any Genre, Instrumentals, or even Monalogues giving the story of your life, your surroundings, your area or even any Crossroads you might have faced in your life or witnessed someone else facing.
Option 1
Submit a Song/Track
- 9.99
- Guaranteed Placement to millions of new customers
- Streaming Your Sound!
- Playlist submissions to over 100 Key Playlist and Playlisting Formats from the Album
Option 2
Submit 5 Song(s)/Track(s)
- 29.99
- Guranteed Placement to millions of new customers
- Streaming Your Sound!
- Playlist submissions to over 100 Key Playlist and Playlisting Formats from the Album
Option 3
Submit a Song as A Single Release from the Project
- 59.99
- Radio increasing the overall listnership to thousands of new customers and to increase Payouts at the PRO’s & Sound Exchange
- Guaranteed Placement to millions of new customers
- Streaming Your Sound!
- Playlist submissions to over 450 Key Playlist and Playlisting Formats