Completing this application is a step in the process of acquiring a puppy from BEL Labradors, but it does not guarantee you will get a puppy from this or any future litter. While it's unlikely, the breeder reserves the right to refuse any placement at any time between birth and pickup. We only want the best for our puppies.
APPROVAL AND PAYMENT: We will review applications as soon as possible. Applications are processed in the order they are received. If your application seems like you may be a good fit, we will notify you. We breed on a scheduled cycle, so we will only accept deposits when puppies are expected or actually available. After whelping an email will be sent out to everyone on our list to place a deposit on a puppy. Emails will be sent in the order I receive your application. Please place your deposit within 24 hours of the e-mail. Deposits are non refundable unless the puppy were to become sick or die in my care, or if we did not have the color and sex you are looking for. At this time deposit is $200 which goes towards the total purchase price of a BEL Labrador puppy which is $2,200.00. Price is subject to change at any time.
YOUR PICK OF PUPPY: Puppies will be assigned in deposit order by the first or second preference as indicated on your application. If we do not have your first or second choice available you will be notified of what else we may have available but we ask that you make a decision within 24 hours of notification since there may be other families waiting for a chance for a puppy. As the breeder we always reserve the right to 1st and 2nd choice of any color or sex from every litter. We evaluate each puppy between 6-7 weeks old and decide if we plan to keep any and then let families know which puppies are available and best suited to them. We do take into consideration what puppy you are interested in but ultimately we always have the final say and will place each puppy with the best fit family for their personality. We have done this for years and have never had someone come back and say we picked the wrong puppy. Everyone has been thrilled with our choice. Just remember we have spent 8 weeks getting to know these babies and will know their personalities better than anyone!
GOING HOME: We cannot hold puppies for extended times; it is important for their social development that the litter departs within a reasonable timeframe. If you have a big vacation planned or have events that would conflict with a young puppy, please know puppies cannot be boarded in a kennel until they have received their full immunizations. Puppies with extended stays past 8 weeks are subject to a boarding fee of $20 per day.
SPAY/NEUTER: We require a spay/neuter agreement on all of our puppies sold to pet homes. We ask that you wait until the puppy is between the ages of 18-24 months to give their bodies time to mature and growth plates to close. Some vets don’t agree with this but after extensive research we find this is the most beneficial to the dog. If we place a puppy in a guardian home you are required to keep the dog intact.
REGISTRATION PAPERS: Our puppies come with LIMITED AKC registration. Occasionally we will place puppies in guardian homes or sell back to breeders we work with. Puppies will NEVER be placed in homes breeding silver, charcoal, or champagne “labradors”. Please research the LRC (Labrador Retriever Club) and what they have to say about these designer cross bred labs.
GUARDIAN HOMES: Our dogs are our pets and family members first. We do not raise our dogs in kennels, so to be able to continue our lines and provide our dogs with the best lives possible we will occasionally place our pick of litter puppies in guardian homes. We will contract a set amount of litters for females and a certain age for males. When females are ready to whelp they will come to stay with us for whelping and raising their litter(7-8 weeks). You are required to keep the puppy intact and away from any accidental breedings during the contracted time, feed appropriate food, and keep up with their vaccine and deworming schedule, etc. . Please email us if this interests you.