It is understood that A.P.E. does not buy or pay for pets. This is service to help place your pet in a new home when the present owner can no longer keep them. This service is free, however, a donation to help pay for expenses is appreciated.
Conditions of Release:
I, the undersigned, do hereby unconditionally release my pet to make available for adoption to A.P.E., relinquishing all my rights, title and interests in said animal. I certify that this pet is, to the best of my knowledge, healthy and does not have any undisclosed sicknesses or diseases, and I have not willfully concealed information about this. I hereby swear that I am the sole legal owner, or agent for the owner of this animal. In addition, I hereby swear that this animal has not bitten or scratch any human being or any domesticated animal within the last 10 days. I agree that in an extreme case, deems unavoidable and necessary for health and/or an unsound temperament the animal maybe humanely euthanized.