Application For Dillard
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How many adults & children in the home? Please include children ages
Do you own or rent your home? If u rent do u have permission from ur landlord?
If you rent please include your landlords contact info:
Do you have a fully fenced yard?
What pets do you currently have in your household? Please include species, age, gender & if they are intact or altered.
Which Vet Clinic do you deal with? Include Name of Veterinarian & phone number
Do you plan on enrolling in puppy / obedience classes? If yes what facility do you use?
Dillard is a Shih Tzu & requires regular grooming appts every 4-6 weeks. Do you understand the grooming requirements? Who will be your groomer? Please provide contact info
Where will Dillard stay at night or when ur not at home?
Tell me why you are applying for Dillard?
Anything else you would like to let us know? Any questions?
Dillard will be on a Non-Breeding contract and will require to be neutered between 6-12 mos of age at your financial expense.
I Agree
I Do Not Agree
Should be Empty: