Thank you for reaching out.
Please fill out this form as best you can, then someone from TCF will be in touch to set an appointment for pick up. Care packages will be available for pick up from 10am to 2pm on Saturdays.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What items do you need in your care package? (I.e. food (non perishable), hygiene products, school supplies, cleaning products)
Do you have any children in your household? If so how many?
Do you have any allergies/dietary restrictions?
What kind of menstrual products do you prefer?
Any pets? If yes, list what items would be most helpful.
The following questions are for research purposes only and are not required.
For us to provide assistance, we have to provide the state information about who we are helping. All responses are kept confidential.
What was the last theatrical production you worked on in Kansas City?
What was your role for this production (designer, actor, stage manager, administrator/staff, etc)?
What percentage of your yearly income pre covid generally came from the performing arts industry?
Were you involved with any local productions that were cancelled due to the pandemic? If so, list them here.
What is your age?
What is the ethnicity with which you most identify?
How did you hear about TCF?
We will be in touch within 48 hours of receiving your completed form.
Care packages from the TCF Food Bank are available for pick up or delivery on Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. You only have to fill this form out once. We are grateful to be able to help out as much as we can.
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