The Intense Branding Questionnaire
Everything we need to know about your brand, plus more!
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What do you do, or want to do?
Why are you choosing this? What led you to this decision and motivated you along the way?
Where are you currently at in your journey? What are your next steps and your ultimate goal?
Who is the perfect match for you to work with? Explain them in detail:
How do you want to make individuals feel? When they are finished working with you, what would you want them to say to their friends about their experience?
Name some keywords you want people to instantly think upon experiencing your brand:
Have you thought about voice at all? (How do you want to communicate with others via web, e-mail, social media, video, etc.)
Whenever people ask the ever-impending "What do you do?" - What do you want to be able to say?
In a few sentences, write your mission statement:
Are there any brands right now that you absolutely love? They can be in or out of your industry. Why do you love them so much?
Current Website (If Applicable)
Current Instagram Handle:
Current Facebook Page:
Text You'd Like in your Logo:
Year Company/Brand Established:
Are you okay with sharing your design process on social media?
Yes, feel free to share away!
No, please keep this project quiet until I launch!
Any other information I should know?
Should be Empty: