We, the entire providership of FCP, want to reinforce our strong support, trust and belief in our current national vaccine program and strongly support the CDC and AAP guidelines for proper and timely vaccinations. We feel that vaccinations for all our children is a centerpiece of comprehensive medical care. We further want to emphasize our belief that: 1) vaccines are safe, effective and not associated with any neurodevelopmental consequences and, 2) delaying or spreading out vaccines has no justification in current scientific thinking and simply poses undo risk to
Our vaccine schedule is in alignment with current CDC and AAP recommendations. We do not support altered / split vaccine schedules nor allow unvaccinated children to join our practice unless there is a medical contraindication. (Not splitting means we do not spread vaccines over multiple appointments.)
We hope that for the vast majority of our families, you will find this statement reassuring. We want to protect your child and all the children around you in our office and in our community. We want you to know that protecting your child from preventable diseases is one of our highest priorities - not only for your family but for our community. That is our mission and vision of comprehensive medical care.
By signing below, I agree to the vaccination schedule of Frederick County Pediatrics. I certify that I have read and understand this consent.