Instructions to complete your Background Check
· Go to (
· Under the services tab at the top there will be a drop down option that says National Criminal Background Check The system will walk you through the process. Each applicant will also have to ultimately complete a user account as well.
a. You will pay $19.95 to self check with this system.
b. Background Checks can take up to several weeks depending on the history and locations that the applicant has lived. Most come back the same day or within three business days.
c. After the Background Check is complete you will receive an email with the results. You will have the option to “share results” with ONE other email Please enter this email address ( It’s recommended that you copy and paste it into this box so there is no risk of a miss send as there is only one opportunity to enter this.
d. After you complete this step we will receive an email with your results and follow up with you accordingly