Example submissions can be found on Conversation-projects.com. Submissions can be existing, ongoing, or new projects and may respond to the following questions. They may also be transcendent experiences, ancestral stories, rituals, or any other practices or works that you would like to share with the library. Do not worry, your submission can be as big or small as you like. We are interested in all perspectives.
What practices connect you to land, place, and beings beyond the human-centered perspective?
What related mythologies or rituals have been passed down to you from your ancestors?
What is a moment or experience in which you exited yourself and entered into a larger ’conversation’ with nature or something else?
You will submit your work in the following slide. Your responses may be in any medium ranging from: photos and videos, to sound, writing, poetry, books, rituals, storytelling or another type of “conversation.”
If your file is bigger than 10MB, please submit via WeTransfer to the following email: ObservingAYear@gmail.com.
By submitting you acknowledge the collaborative element of this project and aggree to share your media publicly and to the digital archiving of your work.
If you know of someone who may be interested in participating in this project, feel free to share this invitation with them. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.