iEdify Magazine was established in 2019 by the founder and host Zaneeka. As an entreprenuer she quickly realized the value of connecting consumers with businesses that offered products/services that are beneficial to women and their families.
The magazine has since grown into a full digital magazine that includes not only business listings but also interviews of business owners and other inspirational women.
iEdify magazine features are by invite and referral only so we truly believe in your business is in alignment with our audience and they would love what you offer!
We are super excited that you will be apart of iEdify Magazine and can not wait to feature you.
Things to know:
Deadline 08/31/2023
The magazine is a digital magazine
It will distributed via social media and email communication to over 15K viewers
The digital magazine will be distributed at iEdify 2023 to all attendees of 100+ women
You will recieve a copy of the magazine once is finalized and it can be shared with others ( we encourage it)
The release date will be the week of Oct.12th 2023 as apart of iEdify 2023 Womens Summit
Full Page: $75.00
Half Page: $55.00
Quarter Page: $35.00
All ad purchases are final
All ad purchases include a special discount of 10% off of any iEdify 2023 Tickets use promo code "friend"
If you have any questions please email
Ensure all photos are uploaded in high resolution (for the highest quality print)
Please be sure to proof read all information provided - its highly suggested to copy and paste from a seperate document
We cant wait to work with you!