CDA Observation Waiver - Provisional- ECT Application
The Council for Professional Recognition is currently not allowing virtual observations for the Child Development Associate (CDA) certification to occur and Colorado Public Health Guidance is not permitting in-person observations. To accommodate this concern for early childhood professionals seeking their CDA certification, Colorado Child Care Licensing will be providing a Provisional-Early Childhood Teacher (P-ECT) letter for candidates that have completed their 120 hours of CDA training, 480 hours of work experience and proof of exam. This letter will be valid for 6 months or until the professional completes their full CDA (if public health guidance allows). At the end of the 6 month period, Child Care Licensing will review if an extension is necessary. You cannot start this form over, so please review the requirements below and have the documentation ready to submit. CDA Renewals must be processed and reviewed through the CDA Council for Professional Recognition. Please see their website for more information about the renewal process.
Applicant Name
First Name
Last Name
Applicant Email
Applicant Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Applicant Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
What type of CDA certification are you pursuing?
Center-Based: Preschool
Center-Based: Infant-Toddler
Family Child Care
Home Visitor
Are you currently employed at a child care facility?
Type option 3
Type option 4
If yes, please list the name of the child care program. If you are not working at a child care program at this time, please list "N/A/ or 'none.'
If yes, please list the license number of the child care prorgam. If you are not working at a child care program at this time, please list "N/A/ or 'none.'
Please list the name of the CDA training program you attended.
Please upload the CDA training certificate(s) showing you've received 120 hours of early childhood training.
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Please upload proof of 480 hours of verified experience working directly with children in a child development program (please see requirements below).
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Each letter must be on the employer’s letterhead and include: *Ages of children worked with, *Total number of hours worked with each age group, *Only hours with children birth – 6 years old will be accepted, *Start date of employment, *Ending date of employment, *Position and/or duties related to the care of children birth – 6 years old, *Employer’s signature, name, title, and contact information. Satisfactory experience is the care and supervision of four (4) or more children less than six (6) years of age, who are not related to the applicant. Experience may include being a licensee of a Colorado family child care home, or a teacher’s aide or teacher in a child care center, preschool, or elementary school.
Please upload proof that you have taken the CDA exam (confirmation email/notification from the CDA Council)
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This is an email/notification stating that your exam results were sent to the Council for Professional Recognition for review.
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