Project Development Submittal
for Southern Tier 8 Regional Board
Please submit your interest in pursuing a federal investment to support economic development efforts the Southern Tier...
Perhaps you have a workforce development OR site preparedness project. Please complete this brief survey so Jen can follow up with your project development questions...
First Name
Last Name
Name of Organization
Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is the local (or regional) challenge or need you are attempting to solve with this project idea? (i.e. what is the problem you are attempting to address?)
In a few sentences, what is your project idea that supports the advancement of the workforce development opportunities in the Southern Tier?
What is the current state of your project idea(is it planning or implementation?)
Please Select
What partner organization(s)are engaged and what are the specific roles of each partner in the proposed project?
How will you measure success? (i.e. How will you measure the community benefit with completion of your project and how quickly will you see benefits)
What is the total project cost?
What is the amount of money your organization is seeking?
How does your project encourage equity and include historically excluded participants &/or community?
How will the project be sustainable after the public dollars are spent?
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