Area: Administrative Services |
Policy: 12VAC35-105-490
Page: 1 of 1 |
Title: Summit Behavioral Health of AZ DBA Graniter Mountain BHC - Grievance
Focus: Written Grievance Policy - Grievance Form
Issued: 03/15/2017 |
Revised: 02/10/2021 |
Welcome to the member C.A.R.E. Form System, also known as the Member Grievance Resolution Form
At Granite Mountain Behavioral Healthcare, we value your feedback and are committed to addressing any concerns or recognizing positive experiences you may have. Our C.A.R.E. Form (Concern and Resolution Evaluation) provides a platform for you to share not only issues, suggestions, or grievances, but also affirmations and appreciation related to your experience. We strive to offer prompt and effective resolutions to support your well-being and recovery journey.
By submitting this form, you can express any concerns, suggestions, or positive feedback about your care, interactions with staff or other members, and facility conditions. Whether it’s a complaint, suggestion, appreciation, or general feedback, your input helps us improve our services and ensures that your voice is heard.
Please Note: If the incident involves another member or patient at Granite Mountain BHC, please do not include their full name in the description. Instead, use their first name and last initial, or just their initials, to help protect their privacy and yours. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please fill out the information below: