By participating in this survey, you consent for the information collected in connection with the survey to be used by AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc. (AFS) for research purposes (AFS Global Competence Readiness Index for Schools project) as described above. Additionally, AFS may send personal data affiliated AFS organizations and third parties for research purposes. The data provided will not be sold or disclosed for any other purposes. This information will not be publicly associated with your school unless prior authorization has been provided by the school. AFS may publish the results of this survey in anonymized form. You also confirm that, if applicable, you are authorized by your school to complete this survey.
Furthermore, you consent to the processing of the personal data you provide to AFS in connection with this survey. This data, such as your name and email, will be used to administer the survey and send you the survey results for your school, in accordance with the AFS privacy policy accessible here: . Please make sure to carefully review the AFS privacy policy before providing your consent.