My student and I understand and agree that:
- {studentDriver3} will adhere to all road rules and drive in a safe and responsible manner; and
- {studentDriver3} will only use their car for travelling to and from school (they are not permitted to leave school grounds during recess or lunch); and
- {studentDriver3} will complete a Year 12 Permission to Study at Home form if they wish to have permission to arrive late or leave early due to study periods; and
- {studentDriver3} will attend all timetabled classes including but not limited to: Homeroom, Chapel, SALT, Sport etc. Failure to do so may result in Permission to Study at Home being revoked; and
- {studentDriver3} will park in the designated student parking area at Noosa Christian College at their own risk; and
- {studentDriver3} will not carry other students as passengers to and from school without the permission of their parent/guardian and the passenger's parent/guardian; and
- {studentDriver3} will hand the car keys to their Homeroom Teacher on arrival at school each day.
Sanctions will apply where students fail to meet these obligations. These include but are not limited to - a warning, temporary or permanent removal of driving and/or Study at Home privileges, suspension, and parent meetings.
We understand and agree to abide by the spirit and the stated requirements of this policy.