Consent Notice
This consent notice outlines how your personal information will be collected and used by School Sport Victoria (SSV) and Diving Victoria (DV) as part of the School Sport Victoria Region & State Diving meets (the meets). By completing the registration form and providing your details, you agree to providing your information, and for your information to be handled, collected, used and disclosed as described in this notice.
Why is this information needed?
SSV and DV will be using the DiveRecorder software to organise Region & State diving meets, produce start sheets, as well as record results. DiveRecorder also links with the recording systems & scoreboard at the competition venue, enabling the simultaneous recording of accurate results from a number of judges at multiple events.
What information is needed?
SSV will use your personal information you have provided to administer and deliver the meets to you. This information from participants includes:
· first name, gender, last name, school email address, school region, date of birth, age, age group, year level, and
SSV will be collecting the following contact and medical information in order to provide participants with support and assistance if required:
· parent/guardian contact name, parent/guardian email address, parent/guardian mobile phone number, emergency contact name, emergency contact phone number, any medical conditions coaches & officials should be aware of.
SSV will be collecting the following contact information in order to provide the appropriate personnel with performance results
· school diving coach/sport coordinator’s name, school diving coach/sport coordinator’s email, school diving coach/sport coordinator’s mobile phone number.
How will my information be secured?
Your personal information will be stored securely on the SSV/Department of Education servers. Only those administering the meets from SSV/the Department and those providing technical support to the meets at DiveRecorder will have access to your personal information.
Any personal, health and sensitive information submitted as part of your participation in the meets will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Data and Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (the PDP Act), the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (the HR Act) and the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic). Your information will be retained and disposed in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic). Your Information collected by the Department and SSV will be used or disclosed for the purposes stated in the Notice or where otherwise permitted by law
Further information
For further information on this statement, or to request access and correction of personal information, contact School Sport Victoria at
For more information about the way the Department collects and handles personal information, including access, correction and complaints, read our Privacy Policy.
For information regarding the way SSV handles personal information, read their Privacy Policy.
For further information about the way the DiveRecorder handles personal information, read their Privacy Policy.