Patient Info
Are you pregnant? Yes No If yes, how far into pregnancy?
Medical History
Have you been to a chiropractor before? YES NO If yes, who?
Any prior xrays/MRIs of the area of complaint? YES NO If yes, when were they taken?
Have you seen any other doctors regarding your present complaint? YES NO If yes, please list the doctors.Name: Type of Doctor: When Consulted: Date
The pain is getting: Worse Better Staying the Same
What makes the pain better? What makes it worse?
How often is the pain present? Intermittent (<25%) Occasional (25-50%) Frequent (50-80%) Constant (80-100%)
Is your pain affecting your ability to do work or daily routine activities? Yes No Explain:
List prior surgeries: blanks
List former serious accidents and falls (auto, work, home, leisure, sports, etc.): blanks
List broken bones:blanks Current meds:
Other significant medical history:blanks
Work environment (choose one): sittingstanding walking heavy lifting bending
PAIN DIAGRAMOn the diagram below, please describe where you are experiencing your pain and the type.
PAIN SCALERate the severity of your pain by selecting below from the following scale. Rate your Pain Select Pain 0 - No Pain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Worst Pain