Large Set (280x230mm x 2) - HKD$168*
+$30 for local courier with tracking
*20% off for purchases of three sets or more
Due to technical difficulties, I have discontinued the small sets. Only large sets available. [24th Jan]
Payment Options
- Payme to 93046094 or
- Bank transfer to HSBC 041 395930292 [TSAO JIN KAI N]. Whatsapp payment confirmation to 93046094.
- If you purchase three or more sets of the same size, the form will automatically apply a 20% discount. It doesn't know how to apply the discount if you choose a combination of the two sized sets. Please message me if you are having this issue.
- If you've arranged to get the paper-cutting from me in person, please uncheck the courier option.
- If you would like to get individual pieces instead of a set, please send me a message.
Read the full story of the design and making process here!