Standard Rates and Discounted Days
A non-refundable enrollment fee of $40 is required for new students. A non-refundable deposit of $40 per family is required if a spot is to be held over the summer. Deposits will be applied to the August tuition fee. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month (including August, despite the later start date), with the grace period extending through the 5th.
Holidays, Substitute Care and Overtime
Our schedule of breaks is typically posted online by August each school year. Generally speaking, we have a two week long summer break in August and one week long breaks for Thanksgiving (November), winter break (December) and spring break (March or April). We are also closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Additional planned closures are unlikely, but may occur with two weeks notice. Tuition rates are the same each month regardless of school closures or absences.
In the rare case that the provider is ill or must be away for an appointment, a substitute will NOT be available. Parents will receive a refund of $15 per day if there are more than four unscheduled closures during the school year (unless the closure is weather related).
There will be a late charge incurred at the rate of $1 per minute if parents habitually arrive later than 5 minutes after their scheduled pick up time. A $10.00 per day late payment fee is assessed if your tuition payment is not made on or before the 5th of each month.
Termination Procedure
This agreement begins on the date of enrollment and may be terminated by the provider or parent/guardian by giving two weeks notice. The provider may terminate the agreement without notice if the parent/guardian has not made payment after the 10th of the month.
Meet the Teacher
If you are registering before a school tour has taken place, plan on scheduling a classroom visit sometime before your child's first day. This meeting is a licensing requirement and it will help your child become familiar with the new environment. It is also a great way for us to get to know each other!
In signing this document, all parties agree to all of the above policies and terms, including financial responsibility for tuition. Your signature also confirms that you have read and will comply with the Policies and Procedures as outlined in the handbook. Copies of this signed agreement are available upon request.