Brow Wax Consent Form
First Name
Last Name
Have you used any Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) or glycolic products in the past 48-72 hours?
Have you used Retin-A, Renova, or Accutane within the past year? If so, when?
Are you using any other skin thinning products and/or drugs that thin the blood?
Do you use tanning beds and/or are exposed to the sun on a regular basis?
Are you currently taking any medications? If so, please list.
Have you been treated for cancer? If yes, when and what types of therapies were used?
Please list any illness/conditions which you are currently being treated for by a medical professional.
Do you have any open skin lesions on the face?
Do you have any allergies? If so, please list.
Please note that waxing can have certain side effects such as skin removal, redness, swelling, tenderness, etc.
I have read the above information and have given an accurate account of the questions and if I have any concerns, I will address these concerns with Bare Spa.
I give permission to Bare Spa to perform the waxing procedure we have discussed and will hold her harmless from any liability that may result from this treatment.
I agree to adhere to all safety post care including: no peels, tanning, or wet room services; no swimming/spas/hot tubs for 24-48 hours after waxing.
I understand that Bare Spa will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions as much as possible.
Signature of Client
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