Dear Parent – CCM Global is offering a 12 week practical missions training course in Ghana, W/A for consecrated young people who are serious about world missions. This program consists of intense classroom study in missiology, language acquisition, cross-cultural ministry, tribal church planting principals, as well as ministry in schools and villages. Evaluation of applications, and decisions as to who will go, is done by the SENT I Administrators.
Our SENT I program is not only designed to give young people some guided training in ministering in cross cultural settings, but it is also a tremendous catalyst for deep, personal discipleship from the administration on a daily basis. Therefore, as the contents of this application will not be seen by the Applicant himself, we would greatly appreciate a frankness and openness which will help us, firstly, discern whether or not it is time for him/her to attend SENT I, but, secondly, the information you as the parent will provide will also help us in giving that guidance and discipleship to the young person once the school is in session.
We, as SENT I Administrators, cannot personally know each Applicant as we would desire to. Nevertheless, with the questionnaire this young person has filled out personally, and by your evaluation, we together, can prayerfully discern the Lord’s leading concerning attending SENT I.
Again, please recognize that this information will be kept confidential, and will not be shared with the young person. We are not looking for perfection. Our loving
Father is teaching each of us to be more conformed to His Son’s image each day. Rather we are trying to get a sense of how mature this young person is, where he/she will be an asset, or where he/she still needs training. Those of us who have experienced intense environments like this have found it reveals weak points in our lives and but also blessings as we allow the Lord to mold us. Please feel free to share from your heart. If you have any questions, concerns, or thoughts, please contact us.