Paws 4 Life AZ Adoption Form
Tell us what dog you are interested in
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Street Address
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Major Cross Streets
Current Employer, how long, Company
What age are you looking for
Physical Characteristics - Coat length, Size, Weight, Color
Personality - High activity
What activities you want you new pet to do with you??
Will you new pet be an indoor dog, outside dog or both
What animals you have in your home now - Age, breed, sex, spayed/neutered
Do you own or Rent - House, Apartment?
Does your home have a Pool?? Fenced??
Is your yard fenced?? Height and type of fencing.
How many children live in your home - Age's
Children visit your home - Daily, Weekly, monthly.
How many adult's live in your home - Age's
Is this animal a gift??
How many hours per day are you away from home??
Where will this animal be kept during the day while you are away??
Where will the animal be kept at night?
What is your families activity level?
When you are out of town, where will your animal go??
If you move will you take your animal with you, give away or return them?
Will you crate train?
Would you be willing to take your animal to obedience training?
How much per year are you willing to spend on your pet?
Should be Empty: