Midwest AAOE Membership Types:
Active Members will be those members, in a management position in an orthopaedic practice. Examples of an orthopaedic practice would be academic, multispecialty, single specialty, hospital or health system owned. Active Members shall have the right to vote at general meetings, may serve on Midwest AAOE committees, and may serve on the Board of Directors. ($75)
Affiliate Members must be affiliated with orthopaedic practice management and/or orthopaedic surgeons/physicians; have a professional interest in orthopaedic practice management; and/or desire to become an orthopaedic practice executive. Affiliate Members may not be individuals who are employed by or represent companies and services that would be classified as vendors and/or consultants. Examples of Affiliate Members would be: regional, state, or national professional association staff; hospital executives; practice executives not in an orthopaedic practice; and former orthopaedic practice executives. ($50)