Your pet will be undergoing general anesthesia plus a surgical procedure today. Your signature below authorizes anesthesia for the purpose of the procedure to be performed at Angel Animal Hospital, understanding the possibility of complications. Specialists are available for more complicated non-elective surgical cases. Although Angel Animal Hospital strives to provide the highest quality of anesthesia monitoring and surgical services, you understand that there is always a risk associated with any anesthetic or surgical procedure, even in apparently healthy animals and are aware that you should discuss any concerns prior to surgery. In particular, you understand that there is an extremely small risk of death, complications, or side effects every time an anesthetic is used or surgery is performed and have been advised of the possibility. Your signature indicates that you acknowledge these risks and understand that although the veterinarians and hospital staff will try to minimize such risks you will not hold Angel Animal Hospital, the veterinarians, or any staff member liable for any complications that may arise.