I, * * Born *
1. acknowledge that I/my child * * (Child's Date Of Birth ) has voluntarily agreed and chosen to engage and otherwise participate in the Activities offered (Martial Arts, Personal Training and any other Activities) at The Dojo Training Center (“The Dojo”).
2. I understand that this type of sporting practice is inherently dangerous, regardless of the level of supervision. Injuries may occur due to physical situations due to a combination of any number of circumstances. It is clear to me that my/my child’s voluntary participation in this activity will expose me/my child to the risk of injury and that any amount of time spent engaging in this activity only makes it more likely that, as in any sport, injury may well occur at some time I hereby verify my understanding of this
3. I am aware that the activities mentioned in paragraphs one and two of this agreement constitute a potentially dangerous activity in which injury may occur. I am/ my child is voluntarily participating in these activities with full knowledge of the danger involved and hereby agree to accept all risks of injury or death when so engaged in said activities. I hereby verify my understanding of this
4. I warrant that I am/my child is in good state of health, fitness and physical condition and that there is no medical reason whatsoever that could be regarded as a restriction upon or an impediment to my/my child’s use of the facilities. I hereby verify my understanding of this
5. I warrant that I am/my child is not pregnant and I/my child will immediately stop participation in the Activities offered at The Dojo if I/my child become pregnant I hereby verify my understanding of this
6. To be considered for being permitted to engage in training or competition at The Dojo, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives will not make a demand, claim against, sue or attach property of The Dojo, it’s instructors, it’s authorised agents, employees or any of it’s affiliated organisations as a result of my/my child’s activity at The Dojo I hereby verify my understanding of this
7. I hereby release The Dojo, it’s instructors and other authorised agents, employees and any of it’s affiliated organisations from all the actions, claims and demands that I, my assignees, heirs, Guardians and Legal Representatives now have or may hereafter have for injury, damage or loss arising from or incurred while attending, practicing, participating in or witnessing any class, event or activities conducted or organised by The Dojo and it’s employees and appointed instructors. I hereby verify my understanding of this
8. I/my child agrees not to implement any training they have received at the Dojo, unless they are in the presence of The Dojo’s instructor or have written consent from The Dojo's Instructor. I hereby verify my understanding of this
9. In case of serious physical injury or medical emergency, I hereby authorise The Dojo to call an ambulance to transport myself/my child to a medical treatment facility as necessary. All such transportation and medical treatment will be at my sole cost and expense. I hereby verify my understanding of this
10. I agree that I/my child is in no way qualified or authorised to teach anything they have learned publicly or privately in any way whatsoever for personal, monetary or any form of gain whatsoever unless with the written authorisation of The Dojo’s instructor. I hereby verify my understanding of this
11. I/my child agrees to abide by The Dojo’s Code of Conduct and agree and acknowledge that any failure to abide by rules of the Code of Conduct may result in my/my child’s expulsion from The Dojo. I hereby verify my understanding of this
12. I hereby consent to The Dojo using photographs and videos of me/my child taken during classes, workshops, performances, or other affiliated events for the purposes of instruction, advertising and promoting The Dojo and its programs. I hereby verify my understanding of this
13. I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand it’s contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and that it forms a contract between myself and The Dojo, it’s agents, instructors and employees, and I sign it of my own free will. I hereby verify my understanding of this
Guardian/Releasor’s Name.
* *
Guardian/Releasor’s Signature.