Participant Waiver & Liability Agreement
I understand that there are risks associated with playing all sports and field related activities. In consideration for the privilege to use the facility and/or attend the camp/clinic, my signature indicates that I assume the risk of any injuries that myself or my children/wards may sustain while participating in any activity with Moore Soccer Academy and for any injuries which myself or my children/wards may sustain while on the premises with Moore Soccer Academy. I insure that I am or my child is physically and mentally able to participate in physical activities and have been examined by a licensed medical physician within one (1) year prior to attending this clinic/camp. I give permission to MSA to use and create media for educational and promotional purposes.
I give permission for camp trainers and coaches or contracted health care to start preliminary treatment and arrange transportation for me or mv child to a local Emergency Room in the event that I or my child become(s) ill or injured.
By signing this Waiver and Liability Agreement, I acknowledge that I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ALL OF ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS INCLUDING PERMISSION TO TREAT AGREEMENT. I further state that I have executed this waiver and liability voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance to be binding on my, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.