Submissions are limited to 3 works per category. We will accept up to but not exceeding 5 works total from any one submitter.
Any style, no longer than 5 pages (single spaced) each, titled. Should be submitted as a Word or RTF document in Times New Roman 12 point font and left aligned unless absolutely necessary.
Essays: No longer than 1,500 words each, titled. Essays submitted are to be original works not based on any source texts. Literary analyses are not accepted.
Short Fiction: No longer than 1,500 words each, titled.
Foreign Language: Original work must be accompanied by a translation, with appropriate acknowledgments to translator (if applicable), titled.
Visual Art: Two- or three-dimensional, in slide or print form.
Digital Art: As electronic file.
Black and white or color, in slide or print form.
Additional Notes for submitting Images to ensure quality:
1. Attach the submissions and all art files individually in the next section of this form. Please do not compress. If they are too large, email to
2. Image quality should be 300 dpi (minimum) and submitted in CMYK color scheme if possible.
3. If images have been altered in Photoshop/Illustrator/other program, both the original and the retouched imagine should be submitted. This is because not all touch ups work well in print, even though they look good on the computer screen. If we have both, we can usually ensure a good reproduction.
4. When scanning or photographing art, use the highest possible dpi, and scan/shoot/submit files in color unless the original is grayscale.
5. Computer-generated graphics should not contain live type--any type should be converted to art prior to submission. (This eliminates all the font and cross-platform issues).
6. Computer-generated graphics should be saved as .jpg or .tif files. (High resolution tiffs are preferred).
7. Graphics/images imbedded in documents are not acceptable; they must be submitted separately, in their original format.