The following is a list of conditions that are the most common absolute and relative contraindications to Dry Needling therapy:
Spontaneous bleeding or bruising
Irregular heart beat Tendency to bleed (taking anticoagulant therapy)
Compromised immune system
Previous adverse reaction to acupuncture or dry needling therapy
Seizure induced by previous medical procedure
Unstable diabetes
Unstable angina
Congenital or acquired heart valve disease
Recent cardiac surgery or congestive cardiac failure
Recent radiotherapy
Varicose veins
Eczema or psoriasis
Peripheral neuropathy
Recurrent infections
Epilepsy-stable or unstable
Chronic edema or lymphedema
Chronic fatigue
Acute cardiac arrhythmias
Open skin wounds or injuries
Allergy to Nickel or Chromium
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Hepatitis B or C
Please contact us if you have had cosmetic or surgical implants inserted into your body including but not exclusive to breast, buttock or pectoral implants.
We strongly advise that you consult your medical doctor if you have any of these conditions to confirm that it is safe for you to attend the practical course. If you are in any doubt please do not hesitate to contact us.
The possible risks and adverse reactions to dry needling therapy include but are not limited to temporary pain, bleeding, bruising, infection, dizziness, nerve injury, pneumothorax, pregnancy termination, blood pressure changes, rash, fainting, muscle soreness & fatigue. A published paper referenced below detailed adverse events as follows: Serious Adverse Events (AE's): pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade & damage to organs (0.04% Mild or moderate AEs: bruising (7.55%), bleeding (4.65%), pain during treatment (3.01%) and pain after treatment (2.19% Uncommon AEs: aggravation of symptoms (0.88%), drowsiness (0.26%), headache (0.14%), and nausea (0.13% Rare AEs: fatigue (0.04%), altered emotions (0.04%), shaking, itching, claustrophobia, and numbness (all 0.01% Brady, S et al. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy 2014, Vol. 22, No. 3, 134-140
My signature below affirms the following statements: There is some risk involved in any procedure that involves inserting needles of any kind into the body. It is possible to puncture organs (for example, lungs) or blood vessels. The most serious risk, although it is extremely rare, is pneumothorax secondary to lung puncture. I understand hematomas can develop secondary to needle insertion. The possibility of accidentally inserting a needle into a nerve also exists. I am also aware that vasovagal reactions sometimes occur, resulting in fainting. Infections, though rare, have been reported. I understand that relatively benign and rarely more serious adverse events may occur. I also understand the risk of serious harm is highly unlikely.
My signature below also signifies that I understand that participants practice on one another during the course of the seminar. I am willing to participate in this method of learning and will allow needles to be inserted into my body for educational purposes. By agreeing to this, I also release Total Motion Release Seminars, Master Dry Needling seminars, the participants and the instructor(s) from any liability both during the seminar and in my future practice of the technique.