Dear Parents
For the next 4 Mondays, Ted Carter from Edwooducation is offering our students from Years 5-8 the opportunity to come and have a go at flying a drone.
Session Details
Monday 15 February 3:20pm-4:45pm
Monday 22 February 3:20pm-4:45pm
Monday 1 March 3:20pm-4:45pm
Monday 8 March 3:20pm-4:45pm
Each session is capped at 20 participants and they are looking to have 20 different students for each week.
There is no cost for this program. If you are interested in registering your child/ren in this program, please fill in the details below.
Transport to HSC
There is a College bus available if you need your child/ren to be transported to the Hume Street Campus. Please submit the Bus Transport Application WSC Student to HSC Afternoon. This application is for SSC students also.
I will be in attendance at these sessions with the Drone instructors.
Kind regards
Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus - Hume Street