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Feedback about All Emotions are OK:
'Really useful for working through with anxious children and children who often flip their lid - good with key stage 2 particularly.'
'Helpful to share with children. We often discuss how they can’t be the only children and young people feeling the same way if a book has been written about it! Therefore helps to reduce stigma.'
'This book was so helpful to the children I work with, they loved reading it with me and even took the book home to share with their parents. I have also lent the book to various families to share.'
'We absolutely loved the book, "All emotions are ok". Mostly adults have used it with individuals or small groups of children, but teachers have also used it in class. It's so important for children to know that their big emotions are ok, and to find ways to manage them.'
'A fabulous book to enable children and young people to not feel shame & develop their emotional literacy.'