DD&J Junior Tennis Foundation - Volunteer Application Form
DD&J Junior Tennis Foundation - Volunteer Application Form
DD&J Junior Tennis Foundation has several ways in which you can support the Foundation and the community youth as a volunteer: Summer Camp; Saturday Clinic; Providing a professional expertise; Serving on the board. The Saturday Clinics are usually held for the months of February - November. Summer Camp is usually held June - July. Completely fill out the volunteer form. All volunteers must also complete the USTA/Net Generation background check, this background check is administered year round and can be done immediately by any interested person. Additionally, all Summer Camp volunteers must also complete a City of Columbia background check in April/May prior to the start of Summer Camp. More information will be provided to you after you submit your application.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Cell Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Volunteer Interest
What volunteer areas would you like to participate with? (Check all that apply)
Summer Camp Volunteer
Saturday Clinic Volunteer
Providing a Professional Expertise
Serving on the Board
If you chose "Providing a professional expertise" above, please list your area(s) of your expertise. (i.e. fundraising, membership, marketing, public relations, graphic design, website design, etc.)
How soon can you start volunteering? What are your times of availability?
Liability Release
I understand that injuries can occur during tennis matches, practices, etc. By participating in these clinics, I release DD&J Junior Tennis, Coaches, personnel, and any sponsor or host organization from any responsibility of injuries or loses incurred at practices, matches, league activity, or while traveling in relation to any league or tennis activity.
Yes. I understand and agree.
Media Release
Many of our activities are photographed or video taped and used in the media and for promotions.
Do you give DD&J, their personnel, sponsors and host organizations permission to photograph/videotape to use for media and promotion purposes?
Volunteer Application Signature Release
Please type your full name below indicating your signature of release for this application.
Should be Empty: