The objective of the AALA Mentoring Program is to guide and support Australian legal practitioners who are AALA members to progress and grow in their careers and to move into senior legal or other leadership positions.
The eligibility criteria for the mentee application differs slightly between the States but the applicant must be a member of AALA and willing to commit to the program for a period of up to 6 months.
NSW and VIC – The mentee applicant must be an admitted lawyer, or a graduate undertaking their traineeship, or practical legal training.
QLD, WA, SA and Tas – The mentee applicant must be a penultimate/final year law student, a law graduate, a graduate undertaking their traineeship, or practical legal training, or an admitted lawyer.
ACT – The mentee applicant must be a law student (of any year level), a law graduate, a graduate undertaking their traineeship, or practical legal training, or an admitted lawyer.
The AALA Mentoring Program Committee will do its best to allocate mentors with mentees having regard to your preferences. However, this is dependent on the number of participating mentors and mentees and their respective experience and practice area. There is no guarantee that all mentees and mentors will be matched, and no guarantee that your preferences will be met.