As we embark on this journey together it is important that our relationship is clearly defined and agreed upon so we are both clear on what is expected of each other within the timeframe and the context of our work together.
The Coaching relationship is one of collaboration, cooperation, trust and equality. We are both equally committed, engaged and accountable partners for the duration of our work together. Ultimately this is your investment in yourself and as such the work is guided by you, your world view, your life circumstances and your desired outcomes. If at any time throughout the program you feel our approach is not working for you, or you would like to change direction or our meeting schedule, then please speak up.
My responsibilities:
- As your Coach I am responsible for providing you with the framework, the tools and the support within my skill set so you can best achieve your desired goals.
- To encourage and challenge you to lean in and step beyond your comfort zone.
- To be a mirror and reflect your blind spots, shadow aspects, excuses, and limiting beliefs with compassion and respect.
- To provide honest, challenging yet constructive feedback.
- To provide advice, guidance and suggestions.
- To keep you accountable to your goals, objectives and homework.
- To keep all information confidential according to professional and ethical guidelines, except in very rare circumstances where decreed by law; ie. Mandatory Reporting.
- To be present and on time for our agreed appointments unless in emergency.
- To provide at least 24 hours notice for any change in appointment time.
Coaching and Counselling are quite different approaches although the skills, techniques and outcomes can overlap very well. Counselling can be beneficial for moving through traumatic or difficult emotional situations and gaining understanding of the past. Coaching is more action oriented, solution focussed and directive.
Whilst I am a qualified and registered Transpersonal Counsellor I am not acting as your counsellor in the context of your program. That being said, throughout our work there will be times when we are dealing with deep personal and often challenging emotional content, and as such my skills as a counsellor will serve you and be utilised as appropriate. If at any time throughout our work together I feel that you would benefit from more of a counselling/psychological approach I will inform you of this and we can then discuss your options. Additional to this I am required by law as a mandatory reporter to notify the appropriate authorities if I deem that yours or anyone else’s safety is in danger.
Your responsibilities:
- Ultimately what you get out of our work is directly proportionate to how much you want put in. You can choose to engage the work 100%, 50% or 20% its up to you.
- To step up, show up and commit to giving our work your best shot whilst facing your limitations with compassion and humility.
- To be ruthlessly honest with yourself and with me, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
- To complete your homework tasks in preparation for the next session. If this is not possible then speak up and we can adjust the workload.
- To respect the intellectual property of Nic Tovey and refrain from distributing any material, recordings, etc without prior permission.
- To be present and on time for our agreed appointments unless in emergency.
- To provide at least 24 hours notice for any change in appointment time.
- To pay the agreed fees prior to commencement of the coaching program or as agreed and outlined.
While I am understanding of our often unconscious attempts to sabotage our process by being forgetful, resistant or tardy I strongly encourage self-responsibility throughout our work. Therefore I run on a 3 strike rule; if you fail to adhere to the above, the first time we will discuss reasons why and you will be supported to make changes. The second time I will challenge you to self-reflect, rectify and adjust. The third time I reserve the right to discontinue our work together without refund.