We are in a health crisis. Most of us have the power to take action every day to protect our families by buying some organic. Some of us are even growing our own food. But many of us cannot and we need to work together with food manufacturers to make safe and healthy food available for all, no matter what our economic situation. Now more than ever we need to support healthy families and communities.
Be our partners in shifting the food supply!
Together we can create a Moms Across America Gold Standard Buyers Guide. With this buyer's guide, we can influence the entire food industry to do the right thing. We can influence more companies to take on safer, healthier, and more eco-friendly practices with our buying power.
Help us create a Moms Across America Gold Standard Buyer's Guide.
We want to know what are your favorite food brands?
If you do a 15-minute pantry check now, you can help us transform the food industry.
We are asking you to simply go to your pantry and fill in this survey with your favorite food brands that are organic, BIODYNAMIC, or locally sourced and organically grown.