Drugbeat K-9 Certifications highly values the knowledge and expertise brought to the organization by our Certifying Officials (CO’s). Certification standards will be published and available online and officials must agree to follow all official and published standards, guidelines, and pricing structure that is in place at the time of each certification evaluation they administer. CO’s are allowed to charge any other fees directly with client for time, materials, or training in addition to any fees owed to Drugbeat.
All decisions for certifications are final with the CO’s ruling. Officials are not permitted to certify their own dogs that they handle or own. Certifying Officials who are also Dog Vendors may not certify a dog they have recently sold to an agency. A certifying official shall not have any vested financial interest outside of certification fees collected in dogs they certify. CO’s shall maintain their own records for certifications they administer including type and quantity of aides used or specialized standards requested by handler or handler agency. Drugbeat K-9 Certifications reserves the right to revoke the CO status for failures to follow any posted standards or other rules.
Once approved CO Status will remain valid until an official fails to certify any K9 team over a consecutive 24 month period. After 2 years inactive CO status will be removed and they would need to re-apply to become an active CO again.
Please sign below to indicate that you have read, understand, and will abide by all current and future published requirements to become a Drugbeat Certifying Official.