Summit K9 Training Application
All new Training, Enrichment Daycare, and Boarding clients must complete a Behavior Evaluation ($50) prior to registering for services. Group Training Clients are exempt, but may be asked to complete private training if their dog is not benefitting from the class or disrupting the class due to more significant behavior modification needs. This form is nonbinding and just provides us with basic information to assist us in recommending the ideal program for you!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Which services are you interested in registering for or learning more about?
Private Training
Day Training
Enrichment Daycare
Board & Train
Group Classes and Workshops
Special Events
If you selected "GROUP CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS," please select the classes that you would like to register for:
Puppy Classes
Reactivity Reboot
Bombproof Base Training
Real World Bombproof Base Training
Trick Training
Scent Detection
I am not interested in registering for a group class at this time.
Veterinarian Name (business name)
Veterinarian Phone Number
Veterinarian Address
Emergency Contact Name, Relationship, and Phone Number
Does your emergency contact have permission to make veterinary decisions for your dog if you are unable to be reached?
Dog's Name
Dog's Breed
Dog's Birth Date
*Can be approximate or estimate if unknown
Sex of Dog
Please Select
Female - Spayed
Female - Intact
Male - Neutered
Male - Intact
Dog's Weight
How long have you owned your dog?
Where did you purchase your dog? If a rescue or breeder, please provide the SPECIFIC organization or name of breeder.
i.e. "Fluffy's Golden Retrievers," "Operation Freedom Ride"
Tell us about your dog!
Breed, age, previous training, general disposition
Why are you seeking our services? What are your main goals that you would like to accomplish through our training or daycare programs?
Ex. "I want my dog to walk on a loose leash" or "I want my dog to receive more exercise during the day."
If you are interested in auditing a workshop, please specify HERE, otherwise we will book you for working spots in the selected workshops. If you have not completed training with us before and will not be enrolling your dog, please just type N/A or select the first option for all required questions below.
Has your dog EVER bitten a human for ANY reason?
If so, please provide the context of the incident(s).
Has your dog EVER bitten another dog for ANY reason?
If so, please provide the context of the incident(s).
Has your dog received formal training before? If so, with who? Please be specific with the name of the business and the trainer, and what type of course what completed.
i.e. "Summit K9 with Devan, completed Private Training for leash reactivity"
What gear does your dog wear in the house and out on walks?
Please include specific type of collar/harness/halter, leash, training tools, muzzles, etc.
Are there any other behavior problems or health considerations that we should be aware of?
Ex. "My dog barks at other dogs on leash." or "My dog is allergic to chicken."
Is your dog crate trained?
If so, when are they crated? What is their behavior like in the crate?
How did you hear about us? (If referred, please provide the name of the person or organization that referred you!)
i.e. referral, facebook, google, etc.
If you selected Private Training, Enrichment Daycare, or Board & Train, what days and times are you available for your Consultation and/or Training Sessions?
Please provide specific days and times. If you are applying to a group class, please type N/A.
If you selected ENRICHMENT DAYCARE, what days are you interested in enrolling your dog?
Dogs are enrolled on a rolling basis, and can book 1-4 days per week, Monday through Thursday.
By submitting this application, I agree to comply with Summit K9 staff instructions during training sessions or group classes, and certify that I will maintain full physical control of my dog throughout the training session or group class.
Yes, I agree to these terms.
By submitting this application, I certify that I have reviewed Summit K9's website and am familiar with their training and walking programs and prices as communicated there.
Yes, I have reviewed this information in advance.
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that Summit K9 staff members will recommend tools and methods that create the greatest amount of clarity to the dog and therefor the minimum amount of overall stress, to the best of their knowledge and ability. By applying for training services, I verify that I am open to learning about and trying these recommended tools and methods.
Yes, I agree to these terms.
Bu submitting this application, I acknowledge that I understand that Summit K9 is a holistic approach dog training program. This means that by registering for training, participants are committed to implementing changes in daily routines, behavior management protocols, and training sessions as outlined by the trainer in order to achieve success with their dogs. By submitting this application, I affirm that I am ready and willing to make these changes.
Yes, I agree to these terms and confirm that I am prepared to make these changes.
By submitting this application, I confirm that my dog is fully up to date on all state required vaccinations and is currently licensed. By submitting these terms, I agree to ensure that all vaccinations and licenses are up to date while I am enrolled in services.
Yes, I agree to these terms and confirm that my dog is up to date on all state required vaccinations and is currently licensed as required by my municipality.
Please upload proof of Rabies, Bordetella, and DHPP/DLPP vaccinations below. Please note that ALL THREE ARE REQUIRED in order to participate in Summit K9 services with your dog. Failure to provide such proof prior to your Behavior Consultation or Group Class may result in cancellation of the service without refund.
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