Please read the following carefully. Your signature is considered legally binding and a contract between you and the school.
School Life:
1. I am well informed of the rules, policies, and procedures as outlined in the Amici Trilingual Montessori Family Handbook and agree to abide by them.
2. I agree to support the education my child received by keeping in regular contact with my child’s teachers.
3. I authorize the school to administer any necessary discipline within the policy guidelines as outlined in the Handbook. Amici Trilingual Montessori does not use corporal punishment.
4. I agree not to send my child to school when s/he is ill, to provide rest and healing, and to prevent illness from spreading to other children and staff members.
5. I agree to pick up my child up within one hour of notification from BeiBei Amigos Language Preschool® that s/he is ill or an incident has occurred that requires my child to be sent home.
6. I agree to support the Amici Trilingual Montessori dress policy.
7. I agree to seek to resolve any concern or conflict I have with an Amici Trilingual Montessori staff member, a policy, procedure, or behavior in a mature and peaceable manner. I will begin the process by going to the person involved.
8. I agree to pay for any fines or charges incurred by my child for any damaged or lost Amici Trilingual Montessori property.