Our Service and what happens next:
Humber Services will be checking for Local Covid19 Restrictions on the Government website to ensure it is possible to deliver to your address, this may interrupt our delivery service to you. We will talk to you and aim to deliver when permitted.
The Booking Day Process applies to all Orders, once we have taken receipt of your order into our Network we will arrange with you a delivery, collection or both. The Service is to provide a BOOKING to your address within 5 days or an alternative BOOKING if you are not able to take for any reason.
We will attempt to make contact with you with the contact details provided on your order, this is to advise you and update you on progress of your order. The communication is the same if we are giving a 1 Man or 2 Man Delivery/Collection service.
The order of communication is by TEXT and copy by EMAIL as well as by PHONE to make your BOOKING. Please expect the following communication.
EXPECTING YOUR ORDER as Electronic Notification this message is to inform you, your order will be arriving within 48 hours into the Humber Services delivery network. There is no action required by you.
RECEIVED YOUR ORDER 2nd Contact as Electronic Notification we have received your order and will be making contact within 48 hours to offer you a Booking day. If you have not heard from us after 48 hours, please contact customer service on: 01709278126.
OFFERING A BOOKING DAY 3rd Contact as Electronic Notification offering you a booking day. Here we will first TEXT and EMAIL you the same information with a proposed BOOKING DAY. You have the option to reply "Yes" or “No” to the TEXT and this will confirm you have accepted or rejected – you have 24 hours to respond or we will automatically cancel the proposed BOOKING DAY. If you don’t reply or it is not convenient, our Customer Service Team will be contacting you by phone to arrange another day. You can contact our Customer Service Team on their phone line 01709278126 to arrange an alternative BOOKING DAY.
The phone line is manned during office hours 0900-1700hrs Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you may contact our Customer Service Team by email info@humberservices.com we prefer to talk to you about a Booking as its easier to organise.
CHANGE TO A BOOKING DAY when emailing Humber Services Customer Service please use the Subject Line put in BOOKING CHANGE, your Surname and Full Postcode. In the email please provide as much information about your order your full name, your address and postcode, your contact phone number and any relevant Order information, the Business you placed your original order with, the order number they issued you (this you can find in your 1st TEXT and EMAIL Message) - this helps us retrieve your details on our computer system.
BOOKING CONFIRMATION 4th Contact by Electronic Notification by EMAIL which is sent the Day prior to your BOOKING to confirm estimated time of arrival, this may change on the day. We will attempt to inform you of any changes.
OUT FOR DELIVERY /COLLECTION 5th Contact is by TEXT, your order is out for delivery this will normally be sent on departure of the route.
NEXT DROP 6th Contact will be by TEXT to advise the Delivery Crew your next drop. You may also receive a call from the Delivery Crew.
DELIVERY FEEDBACK 7th Contact this is to see how the Delivery Crew has performed. This is optional, we like to hear how we have done.
Thank you in advance from the Team at Humber Services for reading this notice and following the instructions helps keep everyone informed and safe.