* 如於甲部或乙部題目中有任何一項為「是」者,該人士將禁止進入比賽場地。
If any answer is “Yes” in Part A or Part B, then the visitor will not be allowed to enter to the match venue.
** 任何人士必須在進入比賽場地前提交健康申報表,否則將被禁上進入比賽場地。
All visitors must submit a health declaration form before entering the match venue, otherwise they will not be allowed to enter to the match venue.
*** 已填寫網上健康申報表人士,需要在進場前提供聯絡電話與足球總會工作人員核實資料方可進入比賽場地
Every person who have already filled in the online health declaration form is requested to provide the contact number to verify the information before entering the match venue.