Testimonial Form
Dear fellow students, faculty, staff, and community members: Cops Off Campus Uo is collecting testimonies from people who have experienced or witnessed any form of harassment or assault from the University of Oregon Police Department (UOPD). Examples may include UOPD presence in dorms, instances of UOPD racial profiling and discrimination, UOPD interactions with unhoused people on campus, etc. There is a spectrum of stories and we welcome any and all testimonies. All submissions will be kept completely anonymous. If you wish to follow up with us, or want to get involved, please email Cops Off Campus UO at disarmuo@riseup.net
Editing Disclaimer
Editing: We edit posts for grammar, concision, and to preserve anonymity, but only with explicit consent. When we make substantial edits to a post, we will mark them with [brackets].
Your Testimonial (**If submitting a story about another person(s), we request that you omit any names or identifiers to protect their identities. When submitting your post please consider if anyone would be able to identify you from any of the information in the submission. Think about your boss, friend, etc.**):
Do you have any photos, videos, or other documents showing what you experienced or witnessed?
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What are your editing preferences? (check one)
I do not want my post to be edited
I'm ok with minor grammatical and spelling edits
I'm ok with edits for grammar, concision, and to preserve anonymity
Can we share your testimonial publicly? (Anything shared online/on a flier/verbally will remain completely anonymous!):
Do you need any support following what you may have experienced or witnessed?
If you need support, what kind of support may you need?
If you want us to follow-up, so you can approve any edits we make before sharing your testimony, or if we can help direct you to support, please leave an email below:
If you would like to be involved in Cops Off Campus UO, please leave an email below:
Should be Empty: