Thank you for your interest in becoming an AAAP Student Chapter! AAAP encourages and supports AAAP Student Chapters as part of its mission to promote scientific knowledge to enhance the health, well-being, and productivity of poultry. Student chapters may be organized at schools or colleges of veterinary medicine under the direction of an advisor who is a current member in good standing of AAAP. Student Chapters benefit students who are interested in becoming poultry veterinarians and students who are interested in learning more about poultry medicine or food safety related to poultry medicine. Poultry clubs or other qualified groups are encouraged to apply to the AAAP to become student chapters. Student Chapter members are encouraged to join the AAAP individually as student members.
AAAP Student Chapters Requirements:
1. Adhere to the requirements for an Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501(c)(6) and Reg. 1.501(c)(6)-1 exempt organization in that they are an organization composed of persons studying for a degree in a particular profession who are meeting to promote their common interests as future members of the profession.
a. It must be a membership organization and have a meaningful extent of membership support, either by way of member dues and/or member involvement.
b. It must not be organized for profit.
c. No part of its net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
d. Its purpose must not be to engage in a regular business of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit.
2. Student Chapters must adhere to the rules for clubs at their educational institution.
3. The Student Chapter will report their finances to the AAAP on an annual basis.
4. The Student Chapter will report their activities to the AAAP on an annual basis.
5. The Student Chapter must have an advisor who is an AAAP member.
AAAP Student Chapter Benefits:
1. Electronic access to the AAAP journal, member directory and AAAP newsletters.
2. Notification of AAAP Foundation scholarships and awards.
3. AAAP’s services as a resource and guide for speakers, meetings, educational materials etc.
4. Up to $500 to fund your club’s events and activities.