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Request Information
I would like a quote for a shade structure...
Structure Type
Pergola/Patio Cover
Window Awning
I would like the structure to be: (window awnings are fixed)
Fixed to Existing Structure
Free Standing
(length x width) NOTE: dimesions MUST be provided for an estimate. For window awnings, provide the dimensions of the the window.
Open Trellis (open slats)
Covered (metal roof)
Post Size
6" x 6" (standard)
8" x "8 (upgraded)
N/A for window awnings
Does the area have an exsisting concrete pad to support the structure?
Yes, there is existing concrete
No, I will need a concrete pad
No, I will need spot footings
N/A for window awnings
Additional Comments or Requests
(example: I would like a privacy wall on the short end. Tongue and groove roofing underlay. )
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