Supported Decision Making as an Alternative to Guardianship Pre/Post Test
Brain Injury Waiver Provider Resource Page
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Pre Test
Post Test
1. True or False: If a person is under guardianship, they lose the legal authority to make all decisions by themselves
2. Supported Decision Making is...
Obtaining the legal authority to make decisions for another person. A "guardian" is the person appointed by the court to make decisions on behalf of someone else.
Alternative to guardianship that allows a person to keep their decision-making authority without appointing a substitute decision-maker.
A paid or unpaid member of a person's social network who helps them with activities of daily living
A person that s responsible for monitoring an individual's overall healthcare needs
3. The role of a supportive decision maker involved the following but...
To help the individual with the brain injury think through, decide, communicate, and effectuate decisions.
Ask, listen, provide advice, translate and respect the person's decisions
Make the decision that you think is in the best interest of the individual without speaking or involving them
All of the above
None of the above
4. True or False: Studies show that people who are denied self-determination experience worse life outcomes
5. Supportive Decision Making is importnat for the following reasons:
Allow individual that communicate differently to express their choices, wished, and preferences
Helps refine decision-making and self-advocacy skills
It's critical to a person's identity
All of the above
None of the above
Brain Injury 101 Post Test
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